''Game Maker Workshop'' Natura, November 2016 '
24 July, 2017
Project Nebula is inaugurated in the summer of 2015 with the aim to bring the youth and children with new technologies, present
them interests which new tools. Comprised of young professionals woeking in various disciplines, core team of the project has
decided on gathering their knowledge and experiences with a shared scoial responsibilty project and aterted to feel excited about
the idea of enriching the extent of the workshop through the imagination of kids.
Most important feature of Project Nebula that keeps the team together and enable the team to flourish is the actualization of each
project through a voluntary basis. Realized within the junction points of architecture, productdesing, software units, engineering and
pedagogics, the project aimed and further aims to hold on to imagination of kids, open up the world of desing for them and
introduce current desing and presentation tools. While inviting children and prents to learn, it also endeavors for reaching to
socially-disadvantaged children and contributing to the equality of opportınity regarding the access to technology. Therefore rather
than a one-day workshop, the objective is farming a long-term acquaintanceship and a platfrom of experiences.
Until today, the project held four workshop tackling various matters from the working spaces of future to imaginart planets, from
ideal world envisions to houses created by themselves. In each study, all the participants aged between 8-15 drew their reflections
through discussing the matters pertaining to the workshop. In order to represent their greams along with participating children in a
digital platform by using VR glasses at he end of the day, children had the opportunity to go on a virtual journey in this world which
they have mutually created.
All of the studies carried out for going on this journey mean new encounters, new ideas and a basis for future productions for all the
participants. Representing the adılts to tomorrow, children get close endless possibilties that wait for them and adulta have the
opportunity to reconsider the notions of creativity, purity and participation which we require to servive.
In the event which will take place at bomontiada, Alt Art Dpace on Novomber 12, participation aged betwee8-15, designers and
volunteers who know how to use 3D modeling sortwares will mutually create this experience. Included in the 3rd Istanbul Desing
Biennial parallel events programme, this gathering will focus on the relation between current desing and human as an extent of the
theme of tjr bienniel. Is it possible to desing through games in loop also desingred by human and where desing redesingns human?
GAmes are still powerful tools to question today's world with optimism and mutally rethink an inclusive world. Project Nebula invites
everyone to this gathering who are willing to reconstruct their envisions to becıme a new person through and turn them into a
shared experience.